5 White Hat Ways To Create Backlinks For SEO

It is true that building inbound links are important for your website and takes a considerable amount of hard work. There are agencies such as the best SEO agency in Parramatta Sydney that build strategies specific to your niche and help you with your SEO efforts. Before you turn to SEO experts, you should do your homework for an effective strategy. There are tools that you need to know about that will help you in link building.

Blog Posts

Create consistent blog posts with valuable content for generating organic inbound links. Blogs are social tools to interact with other bloggers. The more you link to your fellow bloggers, the more they will return the favor! Also, allow guest blog posts on topics relevant to the readership. As a bonus, it creates an enriching experience for your audience.

Expert Roundups

Expert roundups tool can be very useful for building relationships with influencers. These influencers can help you get backlinks from important sources. You can also ask them for a guest post opportunity to thank them for their contribution in the previous expert roundup.


Newsjacking means when you capitalize on an opportunity of shooting up your sales and marketing due to a popular news story. If you are the first blogger to write on a news event, you will rank top in SERPs as the Google algorithm has a “freshness” component. Others will link your content into their accounts due to your top ranking. Experts can help you with SEO, SERP, and backend website development at web design agency Parramatta.

Surveys and Book Reviews

You can administer surveys and share the data collected with some high-authority websites that will help you with inbound linking. These websites have gigantic sample sizes of inbound linking. You can also try writing comprehensive reviews of other authors. It is highly likely that they will link to it.

Free Content

Create free content and if it is informative, your audiences will share it sure-shot! You can create free webinars, tools such as publishing resource lists, shareable templates, etc. To generate more backlinks, you can partner with other companies, brands, or influencers for the webinar. For templates, think about what kind of templates can help people. People love to share templates!

For your website to be trustworthy and reputable, you need to have a considerable amount of backlinks. Link building will help you generate higher traffic and make better relationships with influencers, companies, and fellow bloggers in the industry. We, at Digitalplux, can help you with effective SEO & marketing strategies combined with strategic website building for your business.


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